You can find succulents in every garden center, big box store, and even the grocery store. While these plants are relatively easy to care for, there are times when your plants may not look very healthy. So, even if you have the greenest of "green thumbs" (or not), here are a few tips to help keep your succulents healthy.
1. You are Giving Them Too Much Water
Succulents do not need to be watered like your common houseplant. Well-drained soil is a must, water when the soil is dry. Give your plant a thorough soaking and let the excess water drain out.
2. The Planting Container is Too Small
Did you find a cute teacup or flower pot for your succulent? Sure, it looks lovely, but does it give the roots the room it needs to grow? Probably not. The depth of the container should be twice as deep as the roots of the plant, while the width should be at least three times as wide. This gives the plant plenty of room to spread out!
3. The Planting Container Does not Provide Drainage
People love planting succulents in cute containers, but they will never work if they do not have proper drainage. Your container should have several drainage holes where water can escape. A piece of net over the holes can help prevent dirt from escaping.

4. They are not Getting Enough Light
Succulents love warm weather and plenty of light. However, not every succulent must be in direct sunlight all day. Be sure to know your plants' exact light requirements. The shade is NOT good for succulents. They will lose their color and get "leggy," stretching for the light.
5. Your Soil is not Nutrient Rich
Succulents love nutrient-rich soil. A balanced fertilizer diluted to 1/4 strength can be added to the water for each watering during the growing season.
6. You Need to Transplant Them
If your succulent has been in a container for several months and seems not to be thriving, you need to repot it into a larger container. Doing so will give it more room to grow, and it will not get cramped and smothered by its roots.
- Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus