Echeveria 'Beatrice' is a beautiful small succulent that forms tight rosettes of fleshy, pointed, icy blue leaves with pink tips and a …
Browsing: Zone 11b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11b. They can tolerate cold down from 45 to 50 °F (7.2 to 10 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
×Graptoveria 'Bashful', in Korea known as ×Graptoveria 'Pinkle Ruby', is a pretty succulent that forms tight stemless rosettes of fleshy …
Echinopsis chamaecereus 'Lutea' (Yellow Peanut Cactus) is an attractive small cactus with many crowded, finger-like, yellow stems …
Gasteria glomerata (Kouga Gasteria) is a small, stemless succulent with tongue-shaped, gray-green leaves arranged in two opposite …
Aloe striata 'Ghost Aloe' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of blue-grey leaves with small reddish teeth along the margins …
Aloiampelos striatula (Hardy Aloe), formerly known as Aloe striatula, is a robust, rambling succulent with long, slender stems and dark …
Agave salmiana 'Green Giant' (Giant Agave) is an impressive succulent that forms rosettes of graceful, dark gray-green leaves decorated …
Crassula pubescens subsp. radicans (Red Carpet), also known as Crassula radicans, is a shrubby or mat-forming succulent with more or less …
Ceropegia haygarthii (Lantern Flower) is a vigorous succulent with climbing or trailing stems that bear small, green leaves. The stems are …
Crassula volkensii is a succulent shrub with a more or less decumbent growth habit. It grows up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. The small leaves …