Echeveria 'Green Abalone' is a small succulent with spoon-shaped, light blue-green leaves arranged in a lovely rosette. The rosettes can …
Browsing: Zone 11b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11b. They can tolerate cold down from 45 to 50 °F (7.2 to 10 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echinopsis 'Rot Violet', formerly known as ×Chamaelobivia 'Rot Violet', is a small cactus with numerous upright stubby stems and …
Crassula perfoliata var. coccinea is an attractive, sparingly branched succulent with erect stems that bear grayish-green triangular …
Pleiospilos compactus (Mimicry Plant) is a small succulent with 1 to 3 branches that bear leaf pairs fused at the base. The leaves are …
Conophytum ficiforme (Button Plants) is a dwarf succulent that forms a compact dome-shaped clump or cushion of fig-shaped, often two …
Cyphostemma uter is a deciduous caudiciform succulent that grows from a very stout trunk, repeatedly branching from the apex and forming …
Agave nickelsiae (King of the Agaves), formerly known as Agave ferdinandi-regis, is a stunning, slow-growing succulent that forms an open …
×Gasteraloe 'Cosmo' is a slow-growing succulent that forms dense rosettes of fleshy, speckled, rich green leaves. It can grow up to 12 …
Echeveria 'Gorgon's Grotto' is a succulent plant that forms large, usually solitary rosettes of distinctively greyed-purple leaves with …
Stapelia gettleffii is a small succulent plant with green, 4-angled stems with toothed ribs. In its native habitat, it grows under trees …