Hoya heuschkeliana is a beautiful plant that can be grown hanging or wrapped on support. The leaves are thick, slightly curved, lighter …
Browsing: Zone 10b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10b. They can tolerate cold down from 35 to 40 °F (1.7 to 4.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echinocereus pulchellus is a small cactus with spherical stems with short tubercles arranged in ribs, sometimes slightly spiraled …
Graptopetalum 'Victor Kane', also known as Graptopetalum 'Frank Reinelt', is a cute succulent that forms compact rosettes of fleshy leaves …
Pemphis acidula (Shrubby Coral Pemphis) is a mangrove that can grow as a densely branched evergreen shrub or small tree reaching a height …
Machairophyllum brevifolium is a nearly stemless succulent with glabrous gray-green leaves. It can grow up to 2 inches (5 cm) tall …
Adromischus hemisphaericus is a small succulent shrub with suberect or decumbent branches that bear grey-green leaves with or without …
Parodia erinacea is a small cactus with a solitary, flattened spherical to short cylindrical stem with 12 to 15 ribs and a woolly top …
Echeveria 'Vanbreen' is a beautiful succulent that forms stemless rosettes of glaucous green leaves that sometimes have a reddish tip …
Ceiba speciosa (Silk Floss Tree), formerly known as Chorisia speciosa, is a large semi-deciduous tree with several unique and attractive …
Agave 'Snow Glow' is a beautiful, slow-growing succulent that forms a mostly solitary rosette of glaucous blue-green leaves. The rosette …