×Pachyveria 'Clavifolia' (Jeweled Crown) is an attractive succulent with short stems that terminate in dense rosettes of gray-green leaves …
Browsing: Zone 10a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10a. They can tolerate cold down from 30 to 35 °F (-1.1 to 1.7 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Common Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with trailing, dichotomously branched stems and fleshy, spoon …
Aloe 'Firebird' (Firebird Aloe) is a small succulent that forms loose rosettes of slender, recurved, emerald green leaves with white …
Haworthia herbacea is a small succulent that forms rosettes of greenish-yellow leaves with a reticulate pattern with translucent areas …
Aloe 'Lavender Star' is a wild-looking succulent that forms rosettes of dark green, wedge-shaped leaves decorated with red spiny …
Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica (Cane Cactus) is a shrubby cactus or small tree with a woody trunk and dark green to bluish-green branch …
Gasteria batesiana 'Variegata' is a charming succulent with green leaves with many tiny white spots and irregular markings in shades of …
Agave 'Filigree' is a striking succulent that forms rosettes of very short, broad, gray-green leaves with a reddish-brown terminal spine…
Mammillaria tetrancistra (Common Fishhook Cactus) is a fishhook cactus with a cylindrical, usually solitary stem that grows up to 10…
Kedrostis africana (Baboon's Cucumber) is a vining, caudiciform plant with many slender, climbing or trailing stems growing from a …