Aeonium glandulosum (Disc Houseleek) is a biennial to short-lived perennial succulent with a stout, very short stem and fleshy leaves …
Browsing: succulent
Rhodiola pachyclados (Gray Stonecrop) is a lovely succulent with small, tight rosettes of fleshy, blue-green leaves with crenulated …
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' (Hindu Rope Plant), also known as Hoya compacta or Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl', is a semi-succulent plant with …
Kleinia fulgens (Coral Senecio), also known as Senecio fulgens, is a stunning succulent with grey-green leaves and a profusion of scarlet …
Crassula elegans (Elegant Crassula) is a small, sprawling succulent with a fleshy or slightly woody base and short, much-branched stems …
Sempervivum atlanticum is a low-growing succulent that forms small rosettes of pale green leaves flushed red when exposed to intense …
Crassula nudicaulis (Naked-stalked Crassula) is a low-growing succulent that usually forms several basal rosettes of green or yellowish …
Lithops aucampiae (Living Stones) is a small succulent with brown-red bodies that consist of two fleshy leaves with darker markings at the …
Crassula ovata 'Pink Beauty' (Pink Jade Plant) is a branching succulent with thick stems that hold glossy-green, obovate leaves with red…
Sedum lineare (Needle Stonecrop) is a mat-forming succulent with fleshy, very slender, branched stems with light green or pale greenish …