Mesembryanthemum cordifolium 'Variegatum' (Baby Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata', is a lovely mat-forming …
Browsing: form
×Graptoveria 'Fred Ives Cristata' is a beautiful succulent with waxy leaves densely packed along the top of the crest. The leaves are …
Haworthiopsis limifolia var. striata, formerly known as Haworthia limifolia var. striata, is a small succulent plant that forms compact …
Euphorbia flanaganii 'Cristata' is a succulent plant eider with a crested caudex and normal cylindrical branches or with crested branches …
Stenocereus beneckei f. inermis is a shrubby cactus with bluish-green or bronze-green stems with 5 to 9 tuberculate ribs and a white waxy …
Haworthiopsis limifolia 'Variegata' (Fairy Washboard), formerly known as Haworthia limifolia 'Variegata', is a charming succulent that …
Eulychnia castanea 'Varispiralis' is a rare, slow-growing cactus that has erect stems with an impressive spiral growth that can be either …
Aloe perfoliata 'Variegata' (Mitre Aloe), also known as Aloe mitriformis 'Variegata', is an attractive succulent that forms elongated …
Austrocylindropuntia subulata 'Monstrosa' (Christmas Tree Cactus) is a densely branched cactus with a main stem and many upright green …
Titanopsis primosii is a mat-forming succulent with rosettes of gray-green spoon-shaped leaves with a rounded apex covered with flat …