Mammillaria vetula subsp. gracilis (Thimble Cactus), also known as Mammillaria gracilis, is a small cactus with cylindrical, bright green …
Browsing: cactus
Mammillaria vetula is a small cactus with blue-green globose to cylindrical stems with bluntly conical tubercles tipped with clusters of…
Mammillaria guelzowiana is a small cactus with globose, apically depressed stems with conical and cylindrical tubercules tipped with …
Gymnocalycium ragonesei is a small cactus with a flattened-globose, usually solitary stem with 7 to 10 ribs and clusters of almost…
Mammillaria prolifera (Texas Nipple Cactus) is a low-growing cactus that forms a dense clump of dark green, globose to cylindrical stems …
Mammillaria microhelia is a beautiful small cactus with cylindrical, green stems with conical tubercles, each with a cluster of numerous …
Echinopsis huascha (Red Torch Cactus) is a slow-growing cactus with upright or creeping, light green stems with 12 to 18 ribs and clusters …
Ferocactus macrodiscus is a barrel cactus with a solitary blue-green stem with 16 to 35 pronounced ribs and clusters of curved yellow or…
Ferocactus gracilis (Fire Barrel Cactus) is an attractive cactus with a solitary deep green stem with about 24 ribs and felted areoles…
Gymnocalycium bruchii is a dwarf cactus that forms clumps of blue-green stems with 12 shallow ribs and woolly areoles that bears clusters…