Mammillaria schiedeana is an attractive, small cactus with dark green, spherical stems with cylindrical or slightly tapering tubercles and …
Browsing: cactus
Mammillaria fraileana is a small cactus that can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and slowly produce offsets, forming a small clump with …
Mammillaria luethyi is a small, eye-catching cactus with brownish ball-shaped stems dotted with dense clusters of tiny spines. It is one …
Cleistocactus winteri subsp. colademono (Monkey's Tail), also known as Cleistocactus colademononis, is an attractive cactus with light …
Melocactus bahiensis is a small cactus with a green globular stem with 8 to 14 ribs lined with clusters of spines and a woolly and …
Echinopsis subdenudata (Easter Lily Cactus) is a small cactus with grayish-green spherical stems with 8 to 12 ribs sparsely lined with …
Echinopsis mamillosa var. kermesina is a small cactus with a solitary, dark green, spherical stem with 13 to 17 deep ribs divided into …
Echinopsis mamillosa, also known as Lobivia mamillosa, is a small cactus with a solitary spherical stem with 13 to 17 deep ribs divided …
Browningia candelaris (Candleholder Cactus) is a tree-like cactus with a distinct unbranched trunk and a crown of branching thinner stems …
Cereus validus 'Spiralis' (Spiraled Cereus), also known as Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis', is a rare attractive cactus with numerous columnar …