Rebutia fiebrigii (Orange Crown Cactus) is a small cactus with spherical to slightly elongated, pale green stems with conical tubercles …
Browsing: cactus
Gymnocalycium pflanzii is a small cactus with a flattened spherical stem with 10 to 12 tuberculate ribs and wooly areoles with clusters …
Coryphantha cornifera (Rhinoceros Cactus) is a small cactus with a depressed-spherical, usually solitary stem with conical, spirally …
Echinopsis 'Windigo' is a columnar cactus with a stem growing to 3.6 inches (9 cm) in diameter. The spines are up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long…
Astrophytum coahuilense (Bishop's Cap) is an attractive, slow-growing cactus similar to Astrophytum myriostigma. However, they have …
Uebelmannia pectinifera is an attractive small cactus with a solitary stem that usually appears granular and is covered with waxy, white …
Opuntia sulphurea (Prickly Pear Cactus) is a low-growing cactus composed of many elliptic to ovoid pads with clusters of needle-like …
×Aporophyllum 'Edna Bellamy' is a beautiful, much-branched cactus with long, narrow, pendent stems with usually four ribs lined with …
Opuntia cochenillifera 'Variegata' (Warm Hand Cactus), also known as Nopalea cochenillifera 'Variegata', is an attractive, shrubby or …
Echinopsis huascha var. grandiflora (Red Torch Cactus), formerly known as Lobivia grandiflora or Trichocereus grandiflorus, is a columnar …