Lithops otzeniana (Living Stones) is a dwarf succulent with somewhat heart-shaped bodies of two opposite leaves with a deep fissure …
Browsing: Succupedia
Sempervivum calcareum (Houseleek) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of glaucous or pale green leaves with purple-brown tips …
Melocactus bahiensis is a small cactus with a green globular stem with 8 to 14 ribs lined with clusters of spines and a woolly and …
Haworthiopsis limifolia 'Spider White', formerly known as Haworthia limifolia 'Spider White', is a delightful succulent that forms a…
Peperomia ferreyrae (Pincushion Peperomia) is a small succulent shrub with erect branches that bear bright green, bean-like leaves with a …
Pelargonium appendiculatum is a tuberous geophyte with a very short stem covered with grey, irregularly incised, softly hairy leaves …
Peperomia dolabriformis var. glaucescens (Prayer Pepper) is a shrubby succulent with fleshy stems that become woody with age and purse …
Haworthia emelyae var. major is a small succulent that forms a stemless, usually solitary rosette of thick fleshy leaves with numerous …
×Gasteraloe beguinii (Lizard Tail) is a slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of lance-shaped, dark green to reddish leaves covered …
Pleiospilos nelii (Split Rock) is a dwarf succulent with one or more pairs of opposite leaves that form a clefted, egg-shaped body …