Ceraria pygmaea (Pygmy Porkbush), also known as Portulacaria pygmaea, is a dwarf dioecious succulent with a tuberous rootstock and small…
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Kalanchoe laetivirens (Mother of Thousands), also known as Bryophyllum laetivirens, is an unusual succulent with a simple stem and large …
Crassula marchandii is an attractive succulent with smooth, shiny leaves stacked to create square columns. It grows up to 5 inches (12.5 …
Echinocereus scheeri is a clump-forming cactus with green cylindrical stems with 6 to 10 ribs lined with clusters of white spines with …
Sedum makinoi is a low-growing succulent with slender, creeping stems and opposite, fleshy, green leaves. It can grow 4 inches (10 cm) …
Echeveria 'Lola' is a stunning succulent that forms small compact rosettes of pointed leaves with beautiful pastel colors. The rosettes …
Kleinia stapeliiformis (Pickle Plant), also known as Senecio stapeliiformis, is an attractive succulent that has jointed pencil-like …
Rhipsalis pachyptera is a spineless, much-branched cactus with semi-erect to somewhat pendent stems with many segments with a cylindrical …
Agave bracteosa (Candelabrum Agave) is a slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of toothless, green to yellowish-green leaves that …
Crassula 'Rosa Marina' is an attractive succulent with green leaves closely appressed around slender stems, forming clear 4-angled …