Crassula pubescens is a succulent shrublet with erect or spreading, non-rooting branches, rarely with basal rosettes and green, velvety …
Browsing: South Africa
Didymaotus lapidiformis (Spirit Stone) is a dwarf compact succulent usually consisting of a single pair of chunky leaves pressed together …
Orbea lugardii is a small succulent plant with erect stems with tubercles arranged in and partly joined into four angles along the stem …
Euphorbia obesa subsp. symmetrica (Stone Spurge), also known as Euphorbia symmetrica, is a small succulent with a nearly spherical …
Gasteria nitida var. armstrongii (Cow Tongue), also known as Gasteria armstrongii, is a dwarf, slow-growing succulent similar to but much …
Crassula obovata is a small succulent plant with purplish-red stems against which the bright green, somewhat fleshy leaves gleam. It …
Crassula atropurpurea var. anomala is a succulent shrublet with fleshy, obovate leaves on erect or decumbent stems. It grows up to 6 …
Aloiampelos commixta (Peninsula Rambling Aloe), formerly known as Aloe commixta, is a succulent shrub with long stems that bear fleshy …
Duvalia caespitosa subsp. pubescens, also known as Duvalia pubescens, is a dwarf succulent that forms a mat of dull dark green, egg-shaped …
Stapelia olivacea (African Starfish Flower) is a small succulent that forms a compact clump of fleshy, erect stems with tubercles joined …