Euphorbia enopla f. cristata is a beautiful, slow-growing succulent with fan-shaped, green, grey-green to bluish-green branches adorned …
Browsing: South Africa
Crassula sarcocaulis subsp. rupicola (Bonsai Crassula) is a densely branched succulent shrublet with erect or spreading, rarely decumbent …
Haworthia floribunda var. major is a stemless succulent that forms clumps of rosettes with about 20 long, narrow leaves. It is generally …
Ledebouria socialis (Silver Squill) is an attractive low-growing plant with teardrop-shaped bulbs, usually entirely above the ground, and …
Crassula saxifraga is a tuberous geophyte with erect, unbranched stems that grow from one to several tubers, reaching up to 6 inches (15 …
Conophytum meyeri is a dwarf, freely branching succulent that forms domed or straggly cushions of well-fused leaf-pairs. It can grow up …
Crassula sericea var. hottentotta is a small succulent with short, erect branches with internodes rarely visible between the thick, very …
Cheiridopsis brownii is a small succulent with opposite pairs of fat, not gaping, mildly keeled leaves on short branches. It forms dense …
Orbea namaquensis (Namaqua Orbea) is a low-growing succulent that forms a clump or dense mat of short stems with tubercles arranged into …
Tridentea longipes is a clump-forming succulent with short, erect, glabrous, 4-angled, dull green stems, usually with a purplish tinge …