Crassula subaphylla var. virgata is a succulent shrublet with wiry, upright, somewhat woody branches and fleshy leaves curved upward, more …
Browsing: Namibia
Hoodia currorii is a succulent shrub with cylindrical, usually upright stems with 11 to 24 ribs consisting of prominent tubercles, each …
Crassula subacaulis subsp. erosula is a small succulent with several erect branches that bear oblong-elliptic, glabrous or hairy, green …
Crassula subaphylla is a succulent shrub with wiry-woody branches and fleshy, opposite leaves spreading at about right angles to the …
Crassula tomentosa var. glabrifolia is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of compact rosettes of grayish-green, densely hairy …
Crassula tomentosa (Woolly Crassula) is a perennial or biennial succulent that slowly forms a cluster of compact rosettes of grayish-green …
Kedrostis africana (Baboon's Cucumber) is a vining, caudiciform plant with many slender, climbing or trailing stems growing from a …
Huernia verekeri is a small succulent with fleshy, green to purplish-green stems with long, pointed tubercles joined in 5 to 7 angles …
Kalanchoe rotundifolia (Common Kalanchoe) is a sparsely branched shrublet with slender, usually simple stems with clusters of blue-green …
Ruschia uncinata is a mat-forming succulent with interesting leafless, gray-green, cylindrical stems with small opposite pointed nodes …