Euphorbia tescorum is a sturdy succulent shrub with numerous branches spreading upwards from the base and sparsely re-branched above. It …
Browsing: Kenya
Kleinia petraea, also known as Senecio jacobsenii, is a much-branched succulent with fleshy stems that grow along the soil or hang over …
Huernia keniensis (Kenyan Dragon Flower) is a small clump-forming succulent with prostrate to erect, irregularly branching stems with …
Orbea semota var. lutea (Yellow Orbea) is a much-branched succulent that forms a mat of yellowish-green, strongly-toothed stems and …
Orbea semota is a much-branched succulent that forms a mat of thick, fleshy, erect or decumbent stems with stout conical teeth. The stems …
Euphorbia longituberculosa is a succulent plant with a thick taproot merging into a swollen, usually tuberculate or sometimes smooth stem…
Dorstenia hildebrandtii is a rhizomatous or tuberous plant with ascending to erect, branched or unbranched stems and spirally arranged…
Euphorbia grandicornis (Cow's Horn) is a succulent shrub with erect, green, 3- to 4-winged branches with a zigzag pattern and paired …
Orbea dummeri, formerly known as Stapelia dummeri, is an unusual succulent with pale grey-green to almost white stems mottled with …
Edithcolea grandis (Persian Carpet Flower) is a succulent plant with leafless, richly branched stems and attractive pale yellow flowers …