Sempervivum heuffelii (Job's Beard), formerly known as Jovibarba heuffelii, is a small succulent that forms rosettes of dark green to …
Browsing: Europe
Rhodiola rosea (Roseroot) is a succulent plant with flowering stems that grow from the top of a thick, scaly caudex. The caudex is erect …
Sempervivum montanum subsp. stiriacum is a small succulent that forms tight rosettes of fleshy, hairy, dull green leaves with a pointed …
Sempervivum montanum (Mountain Houseleek) is a small, hardy succulent that forms a mat of tightly packed rosettes of green, densely hairy …
Sedum hirsutum (Hairy Stonecrop) is a low-growing succulent with thin stolons, each with a terminal, rooting rosette of small, fleshy …
Petrosedum forsterianum (Rock Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum forsterianum, is a succulent plant with branches that trail along the …
Sedum dasyphyllum 'Minor' is a small mat-forming succulent with opposite, blue-green to purplish leaves on creeping stems. It grows up to …
Sedum dasyphyllum (Corsican Stonecrop) is a mat-forming succulent with short, highly branched stems that bear small, ovoid to subglobose …
Sempervivum calcareum (Houseleek) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of glaucous or pale green leaves with purple-brown tips …
Euphorbia myrsinites (Myrtle Spurge) is an attractive succulent with trailing stems rising at the tips and covered with spirals of …