Aloe marlothii (Mountain Aloe) is a large succulent with lance-shaped leaves arranged in a dense rosette at the tip of a simple stem …
Browsing: Botswana
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender and woody, and …
Stapelia schinzii is a small succulent with green stems, usually mottled with purple, that arise from a short horizontal base. It forms …
Stapelia gettleffii is a small succulent plant with green, 4-angled stems with toothed ribs. In its native habitat, it grows under trees …
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (Paddle Plant) is a lovely succulent often confused with Kalanchoe luciae. It forms a basal rosette of fleshy …
Pterodiscus speciosus is a perennial plant with a short, woody stem growing from a usually pear-shaped tuber underground in the wild but …
Orbea schweinfurthii is a mat-forming succulent with slender, branching stems with widely spaced tubercles ending in a conical tooth. The …
Ceropegia buchananii, formerly known as Brachystelma buchananii, is a perennial succulent with annual, erect or procumbent stems growing …
Euphorbia lugardiae, formerly known as Monadenium lugardiae, is a much-branched succulent with green, cylindrical stems with a diamond …
Huernia verekeri is a small succulent with fleshy, green to purplish-green stems with long, pointed tubercles joined in 5 to 7 angles …