Tylecodon hirtifolius, also known as Tylecodon hirtifolium, is a low, sparingly branched succulent shrub with spreading to decumbent …
Browsing: Tylecodon
Tylecodon is a genus of succulent plants in the family Crassulaceae. Until the late 1970s all these plants were included in the genus Cotyledon, but in 1978 Dr Helmut Toelken of the South Australian Herbarium split them off into a genus of their own. The new name Tylecodon, was apparently chosen as a syllabic anagram of the earlier name Cotyledon.
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Tylecodon hallii is a dwarf succulent shrub with a thick main stem and branches that form a rounded crown. It can grow up to 12 inches …
Tylecodon florentii is a small succulent with thick branches that grow from a tuberous base. The caudex is subglobular with flaking …
Tylecodon ellaphieae is a dwarf, sparingly branched succulent with 2 to 8 erect to ascending branches that grow from a tuberous base …
Tylecodon decipiens is a dwarf succulent with an irregularly shaped tuberous base that produces many branches, often forming a dense mat …
Tylecodon wallichii (Pegleg Butterbush) is a small, sparingly branched succulent shrub with a grayish-black main stem and gray-green …
Tylecodon cordiformis is a small, sparingly branched succulent with short branches that grow from a tuberous base with grey-brown flaking …
Tylecodon cacalioides (Sulphur Butterbush), also listed as Tylecodon cacaliodes, is a succulent shrub that has a main stem with yellow …
Tylecodon bayeri is a small succulent with a few slender branches that grow from a tuberous base. The branches are grey, ribbed from the …
Tylecodon atropurpureus is a succulent plant with underground caudex that split at the apex into 2 to 6 short branches. The swollen tuber…