Matucana celendinensis, also known as Matucana intertexta var. celendinensis, is a small cactus with green, spherical to cylindrical …
Browsing: Matucana
Matucana is a genus of cacti, containing approximately 20 species of mostly globular plants. The genus is only known from Peru.
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Matucana intertexta is a small cactus with a green, solitary, spherical to broadly cylindrical stem with 15 to 25 blunt ribs divided into …
Matucana krahnii is a small cactus with gray-green, spherical to short cylindrical stems with 10 to 18 ribs divided into tubercles widened …
Matucana haynei, also known as Matucana haynii, is a small cactus with a green, spherical, usually solitary stem with tuberculate ribs and …
Matucana aurantiaca subsp. fruticosa is a cactus that grows in clusters of ribbed spiny cylindrical stems. The stems are up to 20 inches…
Matucana aurantiaca (Orange Matucana) is a small cactus with spherical to cylindrical stems with about 16 distinctly tuberculate ribs …
Matucana madisoniorum is a small cactus with a blue or grey-green, spherical to elongate, usually solitary stem but may clump with age …