Kleinia chimanimaniensis is a sprawling shrublet with fleshy branches with alternate, glaucous green leaves. It can grow up to 2 feet (60 …
Browsing: Kleinia
Kleinia is a genus of about 40 species that were previously included in the genus Senecio. They have been separated in the eighties based on microscopic differences in the flower structures. This work is still somewhat controversial, although supported by most botanists specialized in the group.
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Kleinia semperviva, also known as Senecio sempervivus, is a succulent shrub with a conspicuously swollen base and prostrate, usually …
Kleinia petraea 'Variegata' (Variegated Trailing Jade), also known as Senecio jacobsenii 'Variegata', is a much-branched succulent with …
Kleinia pendula (Inch Worm), also known as Senecio pendulus, is a creeping succulent with green patterned stems and showy red flower heads …
Kleinia cephalophora (Mountain Fire), formerly known as Senecio cephalophorus, is a striking succulent shrub with blue-green leaves and …
Kleinia anteuphorbium (Swizzle Sticks), formerly known as Senecio anteuphorbium, is a succulent shrub with segmented, often heavily …
Kleinia galpinii, also known as Senecio galpinii, is a small succulent shrub with erect, slightly flattened stems and chalky blue leaves …
Kleinia petraea, also known as Senecio jacobsenii, is a much-branched succulent with fleshy stems that grow along the soil or hang over …
Kleinia stapeliiformis (Pickle Plant), also known as Senecio stapeliiformis, is an attractive succulent that has jointed pencil-like …