Graptopetalum 'Murasaki Crested' is an intriguing succulent with fleshy, pastel purplish-pink leaves tightly packed along flattened …
Browsing: Graptopetalum
Graptopetalum is a genus of succulent plants of the family Crassulaceae. They are native to Mexico and southwestern United States. The name for the genus comes from the Greek words "graptos", meaning "marked" or "inscribed" and "petalon", meaning "petals" for the markings on the flower petals of many of the species.
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Graptopetalum 'Mirinae Variegatum' is an attractive succulent shrublet that forms small rosettes of variegated leaves at the end of the …
Graptopetalum 'Purple Delight Variegatum', also known as Graptopetalum 'Snow White Variegatum', is an attractive succulent with …
Graptopetalum 'Claret' is a gorgeous, small succulent with branched stems and colorful, rhombic leaves covered with a whitish bloom and …
Graptopetalum 'Purple Delight', also known as Graptopetalum 'Snow White', is an elegant succulent with pale green leaves covered with a …
Graptopetalum 'Murasaki' is a gorgeous shrubby succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of fleshy pastel purplish-pink leaves with a…
Graptopetalum paraguayense 'Variegatum' (Ghost Plant) is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of bluish-gray leaves adorned with …
Graptopetalum saxifragoides is a small succulent that forms mats of dense rosettes of thick pale green or completely reddish leaves …
Graptopetalum superbum 'Variegatum', formerly known as Graptopetalum pentandrum subsp. superbum 'Variegatum', is an attractive succulent …
Graptopetalum 'Purple Haze' is a gorgeous clump-forming succulent with sprawling stems that bear rosettes of plump leaves at the end. The …