Glottiphyllum nelii is a dwarf shrub with decumbent branches that bear fleshy tongue-shaped leaves arranged alternately in two opposite …
Browsing: Glottiphyllum
Glottiphyllum is a genus of about 57 species of succulent subtropical plants of the family Aizoaceae. The genus name comes from the ancient Greek "glottis", meaning "tongue" and "phyllon", meaning "leaf". The species are native to South Africa, specifically to Cape Province and the Karoo desert. They grow in rocks and soils incorporating slate, sandstone and quartz.
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Glottiphyllum difforme is a small succulent plant with fleshy, bright green leaves arranged in pairs along the branches. Each pair of …
Glottiphyllum grandiflorum (Grand Tonguefig) is a small succulent plant with strap-shaped leaves with rounded tips. It can grow up to 4 …
Glottiphyllum suave is a small succulent that forms a compact clump of fleshy, tongue-shaped leaves arranged in two to four ranks. The …
Glottiphyllum regium (Royal Tonguefig) is a small succulent that forms a compact clump of leaves on short, branched stems. It can grow up …
Glottiphyllum oligocarpum (Tongue Plant) is a cute dwarf succulent with tongue-shaped leaves arranged in two opposite vertical rows …
Glottiphyllum linguiforme (Tongue Plant) is a small, spreading succulent with few short, decumbent branches and grey-green, tongue-shaped …
Glottiphyllum carnosum is a compact succulent subshrub with 3 to 5 decumbent branches and fleshy suberect leaves arranged alternately in …
Glottiphyllum surrectum is a succulent subshrub with short branches and erect, slender leaves with slightly pointed tips. The branches …
Glottiphyllum longum (Tongue-leaf Plant) is a small succulent with long, distinctively strap-shaped leaves with rounded margins …