Euphorbia ramulosa is a densely branched succulent shrublet with spiny 4-angled branches with prominent tubercles and spine shields that …
Browsing: Euphorbia
Euphorbia is a genus of succulent plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. It is the fourth largest genus of flowering plants. The species are primarily found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Madagascar. The name of the genus derives from Euphorbus, the Greek physician of king Juba II of Numidia, who married the daughter of Anthony and Cleopatra.
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Euphorbia tescorum is a sturdy succulent shrub with numerous branches spreading upwards from the base and sparsely re-branched above. It …
Euphorbia caput-medusae (Medusa's Head) is a unique succulent plant that forms a rosette of numerous gray-green, snake-like branches from …
Euphorbia knuthii is a small succulent that forms an unusual gnarled caudex and spiny cascading branches radiating from the caudex apex …
Euphorbia globosa (Globose Spurge) is a dwarf succulent with many more or less globular, spineless, densely packed stem segments that grow…
Euphorbia suzannae-marnierae is a small succulent that forms a spherical or egg-shaped, quite rough caudex topped with a few, usually …
Euphorbia squarrosa is a spiny succulent with a fleshy underground root that erupts into many branches above the soil. It grows up to 12 …
Euphorbia decidua is a small succulent with a woody caudex and numerous thin deciduous, erect or prostrate branches radiating from the …
Euphorbia susannae (Suzanne's Spurge) is a small clum-forming succulent with chubby stems with 12 to 16 ribs lined with conical tubercles …
Euphorbia stellata is a small, geophytic succulent with tufted, prostrate, 2-ribbed branches that radiate on the top of a woody caudex …