Drosanthemum globosum is an erect, much-branched, succulent shrublet with brown branches that bear spherical leaves densely covered with …
Browsing: Drosanthemum
Drosanthemum is a genus of succulent plants in the Ice Plant Family, native to the winter-rainfall regions of southern Africa.
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Drosanthemum speciosum (Royal Dewflower) is an attractive succulent shrub with fleshy green leaves on erect woody stems, forming a dome …
Drosanthemum micans (Robertson Vygie) is a densely branched succulent shrublet with scabrid branches that bear subcylindrical papillate …
Drosanthemum floribundum (Pale Dewplant) is a mat-forming succulent with prostrate stems that bear small, pale green, nearly cylindrical …