Aloe thraskii (Dune Aloe) is a tree-like succulent with a simple erect stem, gracefully recurved densely rosulate leaves, and old dried …
Browsing: Asphodelaceae
Asphodelaceae is a family of flowering plants in the order Asparagales. Until 2016, the name Xanthorrhoeaceae was used for the family in the APG classification system. The family consisted of three subfamilies: Asphodeloideae, Hemerocallidoideae and Xanthorrhoeoideae. It includes about 40 genera and 900 known species.
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Aloe erinacea, also known as Aloe melanacantha var. erinacea, is a slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of grey-green or grey-blue …
Aloe haworthioides (Haworthia-leaved Aloe) is a small succulent that offsets freely to form a dense clump of rosettes of fleshy, dark …
Haworthiopsis nigra var. diversifolia, formerly known as Haworthia nigra var. diversifolia, is a small succulent with dark grayish-green …
Haworthiopsis nigra (Black Haworthia), formerly known as Haworthia nigra, is a small succulent with blackish to grey-green leathery …
Haworthiopsis reinwardtii (Zebra Wart), formerly known as Haworthia reinwardtii, is a small succulent that forms elongated rosettes of …
Aloe broomii (Snake Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms a short-stemmed rosette of thick, fleshy, light green leaves with sharp brown…
Aloe cameronii (Red Aloe) is an attractive shrubby succulent with erect stems clothed in persistent leaf remains and topped by a lax …
Haworthiopsis limifolia 'Spider White', formerly known as Haworthia limifolia 'Spider White', is a delightful succulent that forms a…
Haworthia emelyae var. major is a small succulent that forms a stemless, usually solitary rosette of thick fleshy leaves with numerous …