Aloe prinslooi (Spotted Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms stemless rosettes of light green leaves with white oblong spots, denser on …
Browsing: Zone 9b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 9b. They can tolerate cold down from 25 to 30 °F (-3.9 to -1.1 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echeveria pulvinata 'Devotion', also sold as Echeveria 'Devotion', is a beautiful succulent with short stems and dense terminal rosettes …
Curio talinoides var. aizoides (Common Bluestraw), formerly known as Senecio talinoides subsp. aizoides, is a small shrubby succulent with…
Phedimus stevenianus, formerly known as Sedum stevenianum, is a rare succulent with very short, branching, ascending, densely leafy…
Hylotelephium 'Wildfire', also known as Sedum 'Wildfire', is a colorful succulent with shiny-red leaves with contrasting hot-pink …
Euphorbia clandestina (Ostrich Neck) is a succulent plant with erect green stems with stout conical tubercles arranged in spiraling rows…
Cereus fernambucensis, also known as Cereus pernambucensis, is a cactus with thick, fleshy, erect or semi-prostrate stems with 3 to 8…
Sedum laxum (Roseflower Stonecrop) is a succulent plant with stout branched rootstocks forming terminal rosettes of thick, fleshy, green…
Agave aktites (Coastal Agave) is a rare succulent plant that forms rosettes of linear bluish glaucous gray leaves with short brown spines…
Aloe komaggasensis (Komaggas Coral Aloe), formerly known as Aloe striata subsp. komaggasensis, is a succulent plant that forms stemless or…