Agave salmiana var. ferox 'Medio Picta' is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of long, arching, gray-green leaves with a broad …
Browsing: Zone 9a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 9a. They can tolerate cold down from 20 to 25 °F (-6.7 to -3.9 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Crassula sarcocaulis subsp. rupicola (Bonsai Crassula) is a densely branched succulent shrublet with erect or spreading, rarely decumbent …
Sempervivum 'Hairy Balls' is a cute small succulent that forms compact, ball-shaped rosettes of fleshy, furry leaves. The rosettes can …
Opuntia cochenillifera 'Variegata' (Warm Hand Cactus), also known as Nopalea cochenillifera 'Variegata', is an attractive, shrubby or …
Echeveria 'Mexicano' is a beautiful succulent with thick fleshy pointed leaves that come together to form a striking bloom shape. The…
Callisia repens (Turtle Vine) is a much-branched, mat-forming succulent with 2-ranked leaves gradually reduced toward the ends of …
Echeveria 'Crinoline Ruffles' is a stunning succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, blue-green, dramatically ruffled leaves with a soft …
×Graptoveria 'Amethorum' is a strangely attractive succulent that forms compact rosettes of greyish-green leaves with lighter margins. The …
Sedum commixtum is a succulent subshrub that forms lax rosettes at the ends of the branches. The branches are initially fleshy, blue …
Haworthiopsis 'Jade Star', formerly known as Haworthia 'Jade Star' is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of green leaves …