Haworthia outeniquensis (Outeniqua Haworthia) is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of yellowish-green, erect to sub-erect …
Browsing: succulent
Aloe prinslooi (Spotted Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms stemless rosettes of light green leaves with white oblong spots, denser on …
Echeveria pulvinata 'Devotion', also sold as Echeveria 'Devotion', is a beautiful succulent with short stems and dense terminal rosettes …
Curio talinoides var. aizoides (Common Bluestraw), formerly known as Senecio talinoides subsp. aizoides, is a small shrubby succulent with…
Tylecodon pygmaeus (Pygmy Butterbush) is a small succulent with an underground tuberous base that produces one, rarely few smooth erect…
Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana, formerly known as Haworthia scabra var. starkiana or Haworthia starkiana, is an attractive small…
Phedimus stevenianus, formerly known as Sedum stevenianum, is a rare succulent with very short, branching, ascending, densely leafy…
Hylotelephium 'Wildfire', also known as Sedum 'Wildfire', is a colorful succulent with shiny-red leaves with contrasting hot-pink …
Conophytum brunneum is a dwarf succulent with cylindrical bodies that consists of two thick, fleshy, almost entirely fused leaves …
Lithops localis (Local Living Stone), also known as Lithops terricolor, is a dwarf stemless succulent with a pair of brownish-grey to pale…