Aloe 'Coral Fire' is a wild-looking succulent that forms a cluster of rosettes on a short trunk. The rosettes can reach 8 inches (20 cm) …
Browsing: succulent
Haworthiopsis coarctata f. greenii, formerly known as Haworthia coarctata f. greenii, is a small succulent that forms dense clumps of …
Crassula cultrata (Bush Plakkie) is a succulent shrub with woody, usually erect branches and fleshy leaves arranged in opposite pairs. It …
Echidnopsis malum formerly known as Pseudopectinaria malum, is a small succulent with grey-green or brownish stems with 5 to 6 angles …
Echeveria 'Culibra', also known as Echeveria 'Culebra', is an odd succulent that forms rosettes of powdery, pale blue-green leaves with …
Orbea macloughlinii, also known as Orbea mcloughlinii, is a dwarf succulent plant that forms a small clump of slender, pale green, erect …
Crassula subacaulis subsp. erosula is a small succulent with several erect branches that bear oblong-elliptic, glabrous or hairy, green …
Haworthia floribunda var. dentata is a small interesting succulent that forms rosettes of dark green, slightly scabrid leaves with spined …
Orbea wissmannii subsp. parviloba, also known as Orbea parviloba, is a low-growing succulent with erect to ascending, gray-green stems …
Agave 'Sharkskin Shoes' (Northern Sharkskin Agave) is a succulent plant that forms stunningly architectural rosettes of dark gray-green…