Lenophyllum latum is a much-branched succulent with erect stems that branch near the base and bear green or often purple-red-tinged …
Browsing: succulent
Orbea semota subsp. orientalis is a much-branched succulent with fleshy, erect or decumbent stems with conical tubercles arranged into …
Crassula sericea is a small succulent with short, erect branches with green to grey-green or greyish-brown leaves that are densely …
Graptopetalum rusbyi (San Francisco River Leatherpetal) is a small succulent that forms dense rosettes on short, erect stems with …
Orbea distincta is a succulent plant with trailing, branched stems with tubercles arranged into four rows along the stem with a slight …
Gasteria pillansii (Namaqua Gasteria) is a stemless succulent with strap-shaped leaves arranged alternately in two opposite vertical rows …
Adromischus marianiae var. immaculatus is a small succulent with thick stems and fleshy leaves arranged in a spiral on the stem. It is …
Crassula sladenii is a sparingly branched shrub with grey-brown spreading or somewhat scrambling branches and grey-green leaves with a …
×Pachyveria 'Myrtilla' is an attractive, branched succulent with stems that end in rosettes of spoon-shaped, reddish-green leaves covered …
Aeonium 'Velour' is an attractive succulent with bare branching stems adorned with rosettes of spoon-shaped, deep purple to mauve leaves …