Crassula saxifraga is a tuberous geophyte with erect, unbranched stems that grow from one to several tubers, reaching up to 6 inches (15 …
Browsing: succulent
Gasteria 'Sakura Fuji' is an attractive, small succulent with tightly bunched variegated leaves. It grows slowly, reaches up to 6 inches …
Agave potatorum 'Cameron Blue' (Butterfly Agave) is a small succulent that forms open, symmetrical rosettes of blue-green leaves with …
Aloe albiflora is a small, suckering succulent that forms a clump of rosettes of narrow, grey-green, white-spotted leaves with a rough …
Echeveria 'Crinoline Ruffles' is a stunning succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, blue-green, dramatically ruffled leaves with a soft …
×Graptoveria 'Amethorum' is a strangely attractive succulent that forms compact rosettes of greyish-green leaves with lighter margins. The …
Sedum commixtum is a succulent subshrub that forms lax rosettes at the ends of the branches. The branches are initially fleshy, blue …
Pachypodium rosulatum (Elephant's Foot Plant) is a shrubby caudiciform plant with a short, swollen, almost spineless stem that splits to …
Haworthiopsis 'Jade Star', formerly known as Haworthia 'Jade Star' is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of green leaves …
Hoya linearis is a fascinating plant with slender, grayish-green stems that hang down and bear linear, hairy, green leaves. The stems can …