Kalanchoe alticola is a succulent shrublet with erect to decumbent branches that bear pale green to brown, usually glaucous leaves. It …
Browsing: succulent
Euphorbia wilmaniae, also known as Euphorbia patula subsp. wilmaniae, is a low-growing succulent that forms clumps of dark green …
Cussonia arborea (Octopus Cabbage Tree) is a deciduous tree that grows up to 43 feet (13 m) tall. The bark is rough, corky, and pale…
Pachypodium rosulatum subsp. gracilius (Elephant's Foot Plant) is a beautiful caudiciform plant that can reach up to 3 feet (90 cm) in …
Senecio candicans (Sea Cabbage) is a clump-forming succulent with unbranched, erect to ascending stems that bear broad, ovate, silvery …
Peperomia asperula is a beautiful, shrubby succulent with thick stems that bear thick, fleshy, glossy green leaves with grainy, tan …
Crassula rupestris 'High Voltage' is a beautiful succulent shrublet with attractive triangular leaves that develop pink to red edges in …
Echeveria 'Crimson Tide' is a unique succulent that forms large rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves with vividly colored, unusually …
Euphorbia abyssinica (Desert Candle) is a large tree-like succulent with a green trunk that becomes woody with age and supports many …
Orbea hardyi, also known as Orbeanthus hardyi, is a small succulent with slender prostrate stems with tubercles arranged into four …