×Tacisedum 'Barton Pink', also known as ×Graptosedum 'Barton Pink', is a small succulent that forms rosettes of grayish-green leaves …
Browsing: hybrid
Echeveria 'Pollux' is a lovely succulent that forms rosettes of broad, silvery-grey leaves that take on a slight lilac blush when exposed …
Aloe 'Venus' is a stunning Aloe hybrid that produces large, beautiful red and white bicolored flowers that bloom one after another for a …
Echeveria 'Joy's Giant' is a beautiful succulent with large rosettes of broad, lilac-tinted leaves that become darker in winter. The …
Aeonium 'Zwartkin', originally misspelled Aeonium 'Zwartkind', is a stunning succulent that forms flat, disc-like rosettes of spoon …
Echeveria 'Monroe' is a beautiful small succulent that forms tight rosettes of bluish-green leaves with a hint of orange, pink, or red …
×Gasteraloe 'Silver Swirls' is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of thick, triangular, gray-green leaves with white spots and toothed …
Aloe 'Snowstorm' is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of green leaves with irregular, dense white banding and "flurries" of …
Echeveria 'Blue Dude' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of rounded, powdery blue leaves with clear pink overtones under dry or …
Echeveria 'Bumps' is an attractive succulent that forms a short-stemmed, usually solitary rosette of colorful leaves with bumpy wart-like …