Agave victoriae-reginae 'Albomarginata', also known as Agave victoriae-reginae 'White Rhino', is a beautiful small succulent that forms …
Browsing: cultivar
Sedum palmeri 'Guatemalan Mini' is a small succulent shrub with light green leaves with gently serrated margins. It is much smaller than …
Kalanchoe manginii 'Variegata' (Beach Bells) is an attractive succulent plant with arching branches that bear fleshy, green leaves with …
Dyckia brevifolia 'Yellow Glow' is a small, clump-forming plant with cute, somewhat succulent leaves arranged in rosettes. The rosettes …
Lithops lesliei 'Albinica' is a dwarf succulent with a soft rootstock that produces a pair of leaves, forming an inverted cone-shaped …
Portulaca 'Hana Misteria' is an annual or short-lived perennial with beautifully variegated foliage in shades of green, cream, and pink …
Sansevieria parva 'Gilt Edge' is a slow-growing succulent with narrow, dark green leaves with prominent banding of yellow, light green …
Lithops verruculosa 'Rose of Texas' is a small succulent with bodies consisting of a pair of fleshy leaves and attractive pink flowers …
Sansevieria ehrenbergii 'Banana Variegata' is a dwarf, slow-growing succulent with variegated boat-shaped leaves. The leaves are gray …
Adromischus cristatus 'Indian Clubs' is a small, slow-growing succulent with branching stems and obovate to elliptic, pale green to …