Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Cinnamon' is a shrubby succulent with erect, basally woody stems and long, oval-shaped, rich russet leaves densely …
Browsing: cultivar
Hylotelephium 'Xenox', also known as Hylotelephium telephium 'Xenox', is a clump-forming succulent with basal branches that bear glaucous…
Agave desmetiana 'Variegata', distributed in Australia as Agave desmetiana 'El Miradores Gold', is an attractive succulent that forms urn …
Echeveria × gilva 'Red' is an attractive succulent that forms compact rosettes of thick, fleshy, mahogany red leaves with green at the base…
Echeveria 'Crispate Beauty' is a small succulent that forms an elegant rosette of fleshy, heavily frilled, brownish-green leaves hidden by…
Echeveria runyonii 'Cook's Pride' is an interesting succulent that forms rosettes of stunted or somewhat deformed leaves. The rosettes…
Ferocactus glaucescens 'Nudus', also known as Ferocactus glaucescens 'Inermis', is a slow-growing cactus with spherical to somewhat…
Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger' is a perennial shrub with pale grey-green stems and variegated leaves with grey-green centers and…
Sedum clavatum 'Cristatum' is a small, slow-growing succulent with fleshy pale green to blue-green leaves densely packed along crested…
Crassula lanuginosa var. pachystemon 'David', also sold as Crassula 'David', is a small, compact succulent with reddish branches and dark …