×Pachyveria 'Yvonne' is a stunning succulent that forms tight rosettes of long, bluish-green leaves faceted with lines that show through …
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Aloe 'Lavender Star II' is a charming succulent that forms small rosettes of lance-shaped, deep blue-green to pale purple leaves speckled …
Echeveria 'Hera' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of greyish-green leaves with red, slightly wavy margins and a fine powdery …
×Graptosedum 'Nuit Blanche' is a beautiful succulent shrublet that forms rosettes of plump leaves at the end of branched, erect to …
Cheiridopsis imitans is a succulent subshrub with gray-green leaves that grow in pairs and turn reddish to dark brown as they age …
Echeveria 'Sarahime Botan' is a beautiful succulent with compact rosettes of blue-green leaves with pink to purple tips and a fine …
Parodia microsperma is small cactus with stems that have spirally arranged tubercles into 13 to 21 ribs, each with a cluster of spines at …
Argyroderma pearsonii is a dwarf succulent with a body that consists of two fleshy, semi-globular, gray-green leaves with a central …
Graptopetalum 'Purple Delight Variegatum', also known as Graptopetalum 'Snow White Variegatum', is an attractive succulent with …
Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus is a dwarf succulent with pairs of two fleshy, quite thick leaves growing opposite each other and …