Acanthocalycium spiniflorum is a small cactus with globular stems that become cylindrical with age. It usually grows solitary but may …
Browsing: Succupedia
Adromischus caryophyllaceus is a small, usually slightly branched succulent with erect or decumbent branches that bear inversely egg …
Schwantesia marlothii is a small succulent with 3-angled leaves that widen gradually from the base towards the apex and have semi-soft …
Aeonium castello-paivae is a succulent plant that forms compact clumps of rosettes of green leaves with pink margins when grown in full …
Echeveria chihuahuaensis (Cat's Claw) is a beautiful succulent that resembles a smaller version of the related Echeveria colorata …
Hylotelephium pluricaule, formerly known as Sedum pluricaule, is a small succulent with erect, ascending, or sometimes pendulous stems …
Crassula exilis subsp. cooperi is a branched succulent that forms dense cushions, often covering large soil areas under rocks. The stems …
Echinocereus scheeri subsp. gentryi is a branched cactus with cylindrical stems with 4 to 5 ribs and very short spines. The stems grow up …
Schwantesia borcherdsii is a small succulent with fleshy, smooth, bluish-green leaves with a flat upper surface, a keeled lower surface …
Hatiora × graeseri (Easter Cactus) is a freely branching shrub with pendent stems that consists of flat, mid-green segments. Hatiora …