Dudleya farinosa (Bluff Lettuce) is a much-branched succulent with thick, woody, often elongated stems (caudices) with a rosette of …
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Conophytum marginatum is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, keeled at the apex and often bilobate. It freely …
Aztekium hintonii is a small, slow-growing cactus with a spherical, grayish-green, usually solitary stem with 10 to 15 well-defined ribs …
Sedum pulchellum (Widow's Cross) is an annual or perennial succulent with needle-like, pale yellow-green leaves densely arranged along …
Antimima evoluta is a compact succulent with short branches that grow from the base, bearing a crowd of leaf pairs at their tips and …
Argyroderma patens is a dwarf succulent with bodies that consist of two hood-shaped leaves with a wide gap between them. It can form a …
Anacampseros telephiastrum is a small, clump-forming succulent with fleshy, green to brownish-green, closely crowded leaves on short …
Pachyphytum viride is a succulent plant with decumbent or pendent stems and leaves arranged in loose rosettes in the uppermost part of …
Rhinephyllum muirii is a small succulent that forms dense clumps of many shoots on a fleshy caudex. The leaves are inclined, green with …
Maihueniopsis bonnieae, formerly known as Puna bonnieae, is a small geophytic cactus that looks like a small Tephrocactus geometricus …