Antimima turneriana is a low-growing succulent that forms compact clumps of short, branched stems with pairs of three-angled gray-green …
Browsing: South Africa
Conophytum cubicum is a spectacular dwarf succulent that forms a small clump of more or less cubic bodies with a concave upper surface …
Adromischus trigynus (Calico Hearts) is a dwarf succulent with a much-branched tuberous base and short erect branches with grey-green …
Conophytum herreanthus is a dwarf succulent that grows in clumps of bodies that consist of two opposite leaves fused only in the lower …
Antimima ventricosa is a small, compact succulent shrub with basally branched stems and thick, fleshy, moderately fused leaves, resembling …
Aloidendron dichotomum (Quiver Tree), formerly known as Aloe dichotoma, is a distinctive succulent tree with a trunk and a densely rounded …
Cheiridopsis denticulata is a succulent subshrub with opposite, one or two, sometimes three pairs of thick, fleshy leaves forming a gaping …
Euphorbia knuthii is a small succulent that forms an unusual gnarled caudex and spiny cascading branches radiating from the caudex apex …
Caputia tomentosa (Cocoon Plant), formerly known as Senecio haworthii, is a compact succulent shrublet with woody stems and thick fleshy …
Euphorbia globosa (Globose Spurge) is a dwarf succulent with many more or less globular, spineless, densely packed stem segments that …