Huernia whitesloaneana is a dwarf succulent that forms dense mats of erect stems with deltoid tubercles joined into 4 to 5 angles along …
Browsing: South Africa
Conophytum hermarium is a dwarf succulent that forms a small clump of cylindrical bodies with a depressed central fissure at the apex …
Lithops bromfieldii var. mennellii is a dwarf succulent with bodies that consist of two thick, fleshy leaves fused in the shape of an …
Aloe aculeata (Red Hot Poker Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms a compact, stemless, usually solitary rosette of dull green to …
Piaranthus punctatus is a small succulent that forms a clump of short, dull green, obtusely 4-angled stems with a slightly rough surface …
Cotyledon velutina (Velvet Cotyledon) is a little branched succulent shrub with erect to erectly spreading branches with opposite, smooth …
Glottiphyllum linguiforme (Tongue Plant) is a small, spreading succulent with few short, decumbent branches and grey-green, tongue-shaped …
Rhinephyllum parvifolium is a succulent subshrub with short, woody branches and small, fleshy leaves with tiny, whitish tubercles …
Crassula cymbiformis is a moderately branched succulent shrublet with stout, decumbent branches and fleshy, distinctly boat-shaped, more …
Stapelia acuminata is a small succulent that forms a diffuse clump of decumbent stems with tubercles usually joined into four obtuse …