Orbea taitica, also known as Angolluma taitica, is a small succulent with green stems mottled with darker green and purple-brown hues …
Browsing: Kenya
Desmidorchis speciosa, formerly known as Caralluma speciosa, is a succulent plant that grows in clumps of erect or ascending, tetragonal …
Aloe dawei is a succulent plant with erect or decumbent stems and fleshy, lance-shaped leaves with reddish-brown teeth along the margins …
Kalanchoe nyikae is a succulent plant with stems that bear brownish-green or glaucous leaves covered with a frostlike bloom. The stems …
Euphorbia bussei is a succulent tree with a naked, cylindrical trunk and curved ascending branches that form a rounded crown. It can grow …
Euphorbia cryptospinosa is a sparsely branched, erect or subscandent succulent shrub with a small tuberous root and narrow branches …
Euphorbia vulcanorum is a densely branched succulent shrub with green, 4- to 5-angled branches attractively marked with spine shields …
Euphorbia neorubella (Red Monadenium), formerly known as Monadenium rubellum, is a caudiciform plant with a large rounded tuber or …
Euphorbia baioensis is a small succulent shrub with greyish-green, upright or decumbent stems. It is mainly branched at the base …
Fockea multiflora (Python Vine) is a large succulent with a swollen tuberous base and branches that sprawl on the ground or twine around …