Opuntia auberi is a tree-like or shrubby cactus with a cylindrical stem and branches of joined ovoid segments known as pads. It typically …
Browsing: Central America
Leuenbergeria bleo (Wax Rose), formerly known as Pereskia bleo, is a shrub or small tree with a trunk and smooth, olive-green to brownish …
Callisia repens (Turtle Vine) is a much-branched, mat-forming succulent with 2-ranked leaves gradually reduced toward the ends of …
Selenicereus pteranthus (Princess of the Night) is a much-branched pendent cactus with long, clambering or pendent stems with 4 to 6 ribs …
Euphorbia cotinifolia (Caribbean Copper Plant) is an upright shrub or small tree prized for its ornamental foliage. It is strongly …
Tradescantia zebrina (Inch Plant) is a beautiful trailing plant with slender stems that bear variegated, slightly fleshy leaves …
Talinum paniculatum (Jewels of Opar) is a shrubby succulent with erect, slender stems that arise from a tuberous root and bear green …
Euphorbia tithymaloides (Devil's Backbone), formerly known as Pedilanthus tithymaloides, is an erect succulent shrub with simple green …
Rhipsalis baccifera (Mistletoe Cactus) is an epiphytic cactus with many slender, pendent, branched stems. In its native habitat, it can …
Agave angustifolia (Caribbean Agave) is a succulent plant that forms large stemless or short-stemmed rosettes of stiff, fleshy leaves …