×Pachyveria 'Snow Fingers' is a stunning succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of pointed leaves with a distinctive snowy …
Browsing: ×Pachyveria
×Pachyveria are succulent plants that are hybrid crosses between Pachyphytum and Echeveria.
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×Pachyveria 'Corvus' is a small and beautiful succulent with blue-green leaves arranged in rosettes at the end of short stems. These …
×Pachyveria 'Yvonne Cristata' is a fascinating succulent with flattened stems and pointed, bluish-green leaves faceted with lines that …
×Pachyveria 'Flambeau' is a small succulent with fleshy, greenish-brown to pinkish-brown leaves arranged in rosettes at the end of short …
×Pachyveria 'Clavifolia Cristata' is a fascinating succulent with powdery blue-green leaves densely packed on short, crested branches …
×Pachyveria 'Yvonne' is a stunning succulent that forms tight rosettes of long, bluish-green leaves faceted with lines that show through …
×Pachyveria 'Ruth', also sold as ×Pachyveria 'Rough', is a strong and beautiful succulent that forms compact rosettes of thick, pointed …
×Pachyveria 'Jocelyn's Joy', also sold as Echeveria 'Jocelyn's Joy', is an imperfect but still beautiful, variegated succulent that forms …
×Pachyveria 'Jewel Tones' is a lovely succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of mint green leaves with a thin waxy coating. It can …
×Pachyveria 'Elaine' is a beautiful branched succulent with short stems that terminate in a dense rosette of thick, fleshy, blue-green …