×Graptoveria 'Milky Way' is a stunning succulent that forms rosettes of powdery leaves in shades of pink and blue. It is a quick grower …
Browsing: ×Graptoveria
×Graptoveria are succulent plants that are hybrid crosses between Graptopetalum and Echeveria.
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×Graptoveria 'Citrina' is a succulent shrublet that forms compact rosettes of green to yellowish-green leaves at the end of short …
×Graptoveria 'Marpin' is a lovely succulent shrublet that forms short-stemmed rosettes of spoon-shaped, powdery blue-green leaves with …
×Graptoveria 'Margaret Rose', also known as ×Graptoveria 'Norma', is a beautiful small succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of pale…
×Graptoveria 'Albert Baynes' is a beautiful, branching succulent that forms compact rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves at the end of the …
×Graptoveria 'Fantome' is a small succulent that forms rosettes of thick fleshy leaves at the end of decumbent or pendent stems. It grows…
×Graptoveria 'Coconut Ice' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, pointed, pale blue-green and pink leaves with wavy …
×Graptoveria 'Margarete Reppin' is a vigorous succulent that forms rosettes of many densely packed leaves tipped with a slender point. The…
×Graptoveria 'Fred Ives Variegata' is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of variegated waxy leaves. The rosettes can grow up to …
×Graptoveria 'Worthy One' is a low-growing succulent that forms stemless rosettes of thick, fleshy, bluish-green leaves. The rosettes …