Ruschia crassa is a succulent shrub with robust, bluish-green, ascending branches. It is one of the species with highly reduced leaves …
Browsing: Ruschia
Ruschia is a genus of succulent plant in family Aizoaceae. Over 400 species are described, though many have subsequently been moved to the new genus Antimima. Species occur in South Africa and Namibia. The genus name was named in honor of a Namibian farmer by the name of Ernst Julius Rusch (1867-1957).
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Ruschia uncinata is a mat-forming succulent with interesting leafless, gray-green, cylindrical stems with small opposite pointed nodes …
Ruschia lineolata (Carpet of Stars) is a mat-forming succulent shrublet with reddish, much-branched stems that bear bluish-green, narrow …
Ruschia pulvinaris (Shrubby Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with woody, branching stems covered with awl-shaped, gray-green leaves …