Pachypodium bispinosum is a succulent shrublet with thick bonsai-like branches that sprout from the top of a large tuberous stem …
Browsing: Pachypodium
Pachypodium is a genus of succulent spine-bearing trees and shrubs, native to Africa. The name of the genus comes from Greek words "pachus", meaning "thick" and "podion", meaning "foot'.
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Pachypodium lamerei 'Cristatum' (Madagascar Palm) is a fascinating semi-deciduous succulent that creates beautiful sculptural forms as it …
Pachypodium lealii (Bottle Tree) is a succulent shrub or small tree with a thick, bottle-shaped trunk that is almost branchless until the …
Pachypodium rosulatum subsp. gracilius (Elephant's Foot Plant) is a beautiful caudiciform plant that can reach up to 3 feet (90 cm) in …
Pachypodium rosulatum (Elephant's Foot Plant) is a shrubby caudiciform plant with a short, swollen, almost spineless stem that splits to …
Pachypodium horombense (Horombe Clubfoot) is a succulent plant with a short, fat trunk surmounted with numerous thick, spiny branches. It …
Pachypodium brevicaule is an odd-looking succulent with a gray, bulbous, multi-branched stem that has short spines and tiny branch nubs …
Pachypodium succulentum is a succulent shrub with a large tuberous stem bearing several slender, somewhat twisted branches with brownish …
Pachypodium rutenbergianum (Madagascar Palm) is a caudiciform tree that forms a bottle-shaped trunk and a crown of branches heavily armed …
Pachypodium namaquanum (Elephant's Trunk) is a slow-growing succulent with a cylindrical, simple or rarely branched stem covered with…