Pachyphytum 'Moonsilver' is a beautiful succulent with upright stems that bear bluish-green leaves covered with a fine waxy bloom. It can …
Browsing: Pachyphytum
Pachyphytum is a small genus of succulent plants in the Crassulaceae family, native from Mexico. The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek words "pachys", meaning "thick" and "phyton", meaning "plant".
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Pachyphytum 'Chiseled Stone' is an attractive small succulent with upright stems that bear green, strongly facetted leaves. The stems can …
Pachyphytum longifolium is a few-branched succulent that forms rosettes of 20 to 60 leaves distinctly distant in the branches' uppermost …
Pachyphytum fittkaui is a shrubby succulent with fleshy, finger-like leaves that grow in rosettes at the end of the stems. It is one of …
Pachyphytum hookeri is a small succulent with spindle-shaped leaves at first clustered in rosettes, later more or less distant, and only …
Pachyphytum glutinicaule is a small, slow-growing succulent with chubby leaves first clustered in rosettes, later more or less distant…
Pachyphytum 'Blue Haze', also known as Pachyphytum 'Blue Pearls', is a beautiful, small succulent with erect or decumbent stems that bear …
Pachyphytum rzedowskii is a succulent plant that forms loose to compact rosettes at the end of pendent to decumbent stems. The rosettes …
Pachyphytum compactum 'Variegatum' is a small succulent with short, stout, often basally branched stems that holds compact rosettes of…
Pachyphytum 'Captain Jessop' is a beautiful small succulent with descending or hanging stems and leaves arranged in rosettes at the end of …