Orbea taitica, also known as Angolluma taitica, is a small succulent with green stems mottled with darker green and purple-brown hues …
Browsing: Orbea
Orbea is a genus of succulents from eastern and southern Africa. They are closely related to the genus Stapelia. The name of the genus derives from the Latin word "orbis", meaning "circle, disc".
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Orbea cooperi is a dwarf succulent that forms a dense clump of erect or ascending stems. The stems are green, marked with brown to purple …
Orbea verrucosa is a small succulent that forms clumps of decumbent stems with tubercles arranged loosely into four rows along the stem …
Orbea knobelii is a small succulent that forms clumps of stout, quite densely packed stems with conical tubercles joined into four angles …
Orbea laticorona is a low-growing succulent with fleshy, decumbent, branching stems with prominent conical tubercles joined into four …
Orbea melanantha is a mat-forming succulent with decumbent stems with prominent deltoid tubercles joined into four thick, continuous …
Orbea semitubiflora is a beautiful succulent that forms a cluster of grayish-green stems with unique purple markings. The stems are erect …
Orbea schweinfurthii is a mat-forming succulent with slender, branching stems with widely spaced tubercles ending in a conical tooth. The …
Orbea hardyi, also known as Orbeanthus hardyi, is a small succulent with slender prostrate stems with tubercles arranged into four …
Orbea namaquensis (Namaqua Orbea) is a low-growing succulent that forms a clump or dense mat of short stems with tubercles arranged into …