Eulychnia saint-pieana is a tree-like cactus with greyish-green or dark-green stems that feature 10 to 18 slightly tuberculate ribs lined …
Browsing: Eulychnia
Eulychnia is a genus of candelabriform or arborescent cacti, comprising between 6 and 9 species depending on the authority.
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Eulychnia breviflora is a tree-like cactus that typically has a well-defined but very short trunk and upright, greyish-green or dark …
Eulychnia castanea 'Varispiralis' is a rare, slow-growing cactus that has erect stems with an impressive spiral growth that can be either …
Eulychnia castanea is a shrubby cactus with green cylindrical stems with 8 to 13 ribes lined with clusters of spines. The stems can grow …