Cotyledon orbiculata 'Lighthouse Road' (Pig's Ears) is a shrubby succulent with erect to decumbent stems and fleshy, broad, rounded leaves …
Browsing: Cotyledon
Cotyledon is a genus of the Crassulaceae family. The species in the genus occur in the Arabian peninsula and throughout the drier parts of Africa, but mainly in Southern Africa.
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Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga is a succulent shrub with closely packed leaves along decumbent branches that are usually not visible …
Cotyledon adscendens is a sparingly branched succulent with erect to spreading branches that bear green leaves with reddish margins in …
Cotyledon tomentosa 'Variegata' (Bear's Paw) is an attractive succulent shrublet with densely branched stems that bear hairy bright green…
Cotyledon 'Happy Young Lady' is a beautiful, densely branched succulent with finger-like leaves on short fleshy stems. It can grow up to …
Cotyledon orbiculata (Pig's Ear) is a succulent shrub with erect to decumbent stems and leaves hugely variable in color, shape, and…
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis is a succulent shrublet with hairy, branched, spreading branches and plump, fuzzy, slightly…
Cotyledon tomentosa (Bear's Paw) is a small, densely branched succulent shrub with branches that bear hairy, green to gray-green leaves …