Orbea verrucosa is a small succulent that forms clumps of decumbent stems with tubercles arranged loosely into four rows along the stem …
Browsing: Apocynaceae
Apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, usually with milky sap comprising about 200 genera and 2,000 species. Members of the family are native to European, Asian, African, Australian, and American tropics or subtropics, with some temperate members.
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Hoodia officinalis is a succulent shrub with gray-green to brown-green stems with tubercles joined in the lower half into 14 to 23 angles …
Quaqua incarnata subsp. hottentotorum is a small succulent that forms a clump of 4-angled stems with conical tubercles, each tipped with …
Hoya davidcummingii is a beautiful trailing vine with wiry stems that bear thick, dark green leaves with darker edges and lighter …
Huernia mccoyi is a small succulent plant that forms clumps of fleshy stems with long deltoid tubercles joined into five angles …
Stapelia grandiflora f. cristata is a fascinating succulent that creates beautiful sculptural forms as it grows. The crested stems are …
Orbea knobelii is a small succulent that forms clumps of stout, quite densely packed stems with conical tubercles joined into four angles …
Huernia guttata subsp. reticulata, also known as Huernia reticulata, is a small, clump-forming succulent with fleshy stems with large …
Huernia boleana is a small succulent that forms clumps of upright, grey-green to purplish stems having deltoid tubercles joined into five …
Hoya campanulata is a non-twining, shrub-like plant with long, slender stems that bear deep green leaves with some flecks and prominent …